Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ tienkiem.com.vn.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
Đang xem: Poultry and game là gì
Will a population raised entirely in vitro, and therefore adapted to these conditions, be representative of poultry house mites ?
Cloacal swabs, as used in the present study, are fundamentally an estimate to detect campylobacter colonization in broiler poultry flocks <19>.
Ownership of small stock (sheep, goats, poultry) is almost universal, while cattle ownership is limited to the wealthy households.
Despite the species specificity of avian poxviruses, infections in populations of wild birds could present a risk for poultry <7>.
The old smallholders, commoners with typically twenty sheep, poultry and a few cattle, who were still utilising their rights, have died or left the common.
An infestation might well damage poultry farms and fisheries, but it was for the industries to protect their stock as best they could.
Among the four systems compared, a system with cover crop, poultry manure, and no-till faired the best.
Most of it is petty crime, chiefly thefts of hogs and poultry, but there are also a good many crimes against women.
Poultry may have been ubiquitous, but they still had a cultural origin in a (historical) process of plantation.
Treatments include ammonium nitrate (closed circles), sulphur-coated urea (open circles), composted dairy manure (closed triangles), and poultry litter (open triangles).
Like sulphur-coated urea, composted dairy manure and poultry litter are considered slow release fertilizers.
The result further suggests that the positive benefit of no-till can be realized only when it is used with poultry litter.
Since poultry litter supplies nutrients and improves soil properties, these effects become more evident when it is combined with no-till.
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Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với poultry.
Surely he has some concrete plans to deal with the problem of the small poultry farmer, such as the extension of co-operative schemes?
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to clean all of a place, especially your house, very well, including parts you do not often clean
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