Tặng Hàng Nghìn Giftcode Gamota Mobi, Giftcode Gamota Mobi

Along with the opening of the Open Beta version, the publisher Gamota has given readers and gamers a series of events to receive the very attractive Gamota Code of Fairy, do not miss any rewards to help the character in the Your game is stronger.

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After many days of waiting, at last, the superhero role-playing game Tien Vuc Gamota was officially opened at 10:00 a.m. on March 17, 2020. In response to the fans’ love, Gamota launched many events to receive Code Tien Vuc free.

Field Gamota – 3D role-playing game on smart mobile

Gamota Field Code

How to get Gamota Area Code

Event 1: Loan official launch– Rewards: Code Loan Tin and Vip Code Gamota Domain Early Registration– Link participating: Event 1

Event 2: Download the game to receive GiftCode immediately– Reward: Gamota Vanguard Code+ 500k Silver card * 2+ Reinforced Stone * 15+ Riding Animal Stone * 20+ Low Knit Spirit * 205– Link participating: Event 2

Event 3: Replace the cover image to receive GiftCode– Reward: Gamota Vanguard Code+ Gold key * 300+ Reinforced Stone * 50+ 4h Card Hanging * 2Life of Dan Trung * 10– Link participating: Event 3

Event 4: Watch the trailer to receive GiftCode immediately– Reward: Gamota Vanguard Code+ 200 Gold Key+ Chest of Phu Van Purple * 2+ The Spirit of Dan Trung * 15+ Pearl Bag LV3 * 1– Link participating: Event 4

Event 5: Like & Share Landing Page– Reward: Gamota Vanguard Code+ Gold lock * 500+ Stone Fairy DUC * 30+ Stone Breakthrough Wings * 15+ Ngoc Thu LV3 * 2– Link participating: Event 5


Regularly participating in Fanpage forums and Group game Tien Vuc Gamota community receive event rewards from BQT every day.

– Join the Fanpage to receive Gamota’s Front Code here.– Join the Group to receive Gamota Domain Code here

Instructions for using Gamota GiftCode Code

Step 1: At the main interface of the game screen after the player reaches level 10 (level 10) you click the icon Welfare located on the right side of the screen.

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Step 2: In the table Welfare, you select GiftCode => enter Gamota Field Code in the empty box that appears next to => click Change.


There is a congratulatory message on the successful use of the Gamota Code Fairy Tale, you go to your character’s bag to check whether the reward has been received.

Thien Long Tam Quoc 2020 is a tactical general card game just released yesterday that has become a fever on the Vietnamese market, a lot. Code Thien Long Tam Quoc 2020 has been sent to readers and players by the publisher, many equipment and items are indispensable for each person right after joining the game.

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Link download Gamota Fairy Tale

Currently Gamota vanguard has allowed players to download and install on both Android and iOS systems, select the appropriate operating system before clicking the download link below.

https://thuthuat.taimienphi.vn/code-tien-vuc-mobile-56878n.aspx – Link to download Android version: Vanguard for Android– Link to download iOS version: Advocacy for iPhone