” Reaction Là Gì ? Định Nghĩa, Ví Dụ, Giải Thích Reaction Là Gì

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reaction /ri:”ækʃn/ danh từ sự phản tác dụng, sự phản ứng lạiaction and reaction: tác dụng và phản tác dụng (vật lý); (hoá học) phản ứngcatalytic reaction: phản ứng xúc tác (chính trị) sự phản động (quân sự) sự phản công, sự đánh trả lại
phản tác dụngphản ứngBrowning reaction: Phản ứng MaryllardMaillard reaction: Phản ứng Maillardamphoteric reaction of milk: phản ứng lưỡng tính của sữaanabolic reaction: phản ứng đồng hóabiuret reaction: phản ứng biuretcatabolic reaction: phản ứng dị hóachain reaction: phản ứng dây chuyềnconsumer reaction: phản ứng người tiêu dùngcounter reaction: phản ứng thuận nghịchcultural reaction: phản ứng nuôi dưỡngendothermic reaction: phản ứng thu nhiệtexothermic reaction: phản ứng tỏa nhiệtirreversible reaction: phản ứng không thuận nghịchprecipitant reaction: phản ứng kết tủareaction function: hàm phản ứngreaction tank: thùng phản ứngreaction time: thời gian phản ứngreversible reaction: phản ứng thuận nghịchstarch-iodine reaction: phản ứng iốt tinh bộttechnical reaction: phản ứng có tính kỹ thuậttechnical reaction: phản ứng kỹ thuậtxantho-protein reaction: phản ứng xanto-proteinreaction timethời gian phản ứng, thời gian khởi động danh từ o phản ứng o sự phản ứng, phản lực § alkylation reaction : phản ứng ankyl hóa § back reaction : phản ứng nghịch § balanced reaction : phản ứng đã cân bằng, phản ứng thuận nghịch § branched chain reaction : phản ứng dây chuyền phân nhánh § breading reaction : phản ứng dây chuyền § catalytic exchange reaction : phản ứng trao đổi xúc tác § chain reaction : phản ứng dây chuyền § chemical reaction : phản ứng hóa học § Diels-Alders reaction : phản ứng Diels-Alders (tổng hợp chất thơm) § drop reaction : phản ứng giọt § endothermal reaction : phản ứng thu nhiệt § exothermal reaction : phản ứng tỏa nhiệt § fast reaction : phản ứng nhanh § redistribution reaction : phản ứng phân bố lại § reversible reaction : phản ứng thuận nghịch § side reaction : phản ứng phụ § reaction value : giá trị phản ứng

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): act, action, inaction, interaction, reaction, transaction, act, acting

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): reaction, reactor, reactant, react, overreact, reactionary





Từ điển Collocation

reaction noun

1 response

ADJ. extreme, sharp, strong, violent | favourable, positive | adverse, hostile, negative | mixed The speech got a mixed reaction. | angry | first, immediate, initial | delayed Her outburst was a delayed reaction to an unpleasant letter she”d received that morning. | chain The change of plan set off a chain reaction of confusion. | mixed | common, general, public | natural, normal | automatic, gut, instinctive, knee-jerk, spontaneous The incident calls for a measured response, avoiding knee-jerk reactions. | nervous | emotional | critical The critical reaction to his first novel has been positive.

VERB + REACTION get, have, meet with The play met with a mixed reaction from the critics. | bring, cause, produce, provoke, set off, spark (off), trigger (off) She was surprised at the reaction brought by the mention of his delayed a delayed reaction to the drugs | allergic

VERB + REACTION have, suffer She had a very bad allergic reaction to the peanuts. | cause, produce

PREP. ~ to A small minority of patients suffer an adverse reaction to the treatment. name. | gauge, judge (by/from) He eyed her cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction. Judging by her reaction, she liked the present.

PREP. in ~ to There”s been a drop in ticket sales in reaction to the review. | ~ against Her rebellious attitude is just a reaction against her strict upbringing. | ~ to the public reaction to the news

2 (usually reactions) ability to react quickly

ADJ. fast, good, lightning, quick | slow, sluggish

VERB + REACTION have She has very quick reactions. | speed up | slow down Alcohol has the effect of slowing down your reactions.

REACTION + NOUN time Your reaction time increases when you are tired.

3 chemical reaction

ADJ. chain | chemical, nuclear

VERB + REACTION cause, produce, start, trigger | stop | speed up | slow down

REACTION + VERB occur, take place

PREP. during/in a/the ~ the energy given out during the reaction | ~ between studying the reactions between certain gases | ~ with the fuel”s chemical reaction with the surrounding water

4 allergy

ADJ. adverse, bad | mild, slight |

Từ điển WordNet


Đang xem: Reaction là gì

a response that reveals a person”s feelings or attitude

he was pleased by the audience”s reaction to his performance

John feared his mother”s reaction when she saw the broken lamp

an idea evoked by some experience

his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do

doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don”t like

his style of painting was a reaction against cubism

extreme conservatism in political or social matters

the forces of reaction carried the election

(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body

every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Bloomberg Financial Glossary

A decline in prices following an advance. Opposite of rally.

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Investopedia Financial Terms

The typical downward movement in the price of a security after the price had previously risen.

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Investopedia Says:
The opposite of a recovery, a reaction is similar to a market correction but lacks the same intensity.