Nhận định What does you rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity là gì

Nhận định What does you rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity là gì là ý tưởng trong bài viết hiện tại của Tiên Kiếm. Đọc content để biết chi tiết nhé.

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What is the meaning of “out of curiosity”?

Could it mean out of ideas? Or maybe it means he is curious? How should I know what he means?



Out of is used to show the reason why someone does something: I took the job out of necessity because we had no money left. You might like to come and see what we’re doing out of interest (= because I think you might be interested). – Cambridge Dictionary –user66974 Feb 1 “17 at 6:36
out of curiosity simply means that you are interested in knowing something for no other reason except that you just want to know it. Does that make sense to you? I think a couple of examples would help here.

Example #1:

— I know it”s none of my business, but just out of sheer curiosity how much money does he make a month? — I think, something like five grand.

Example #2:

— I know it”s not very appropriate to ask a woman this, but just out of curiosity, how old are you? — I”m 32.

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out of something means that you are doing something only for that reason you. So, you could say, for example:

— Why didn”t you call the police the moment it happened? — Out of fear. I was afraid that I would get arrested.

What this says is that the reason that you did not call the police was fear. In other words, the reason you did not call the police was that you were afraid they would arrest you too.

I hope everything is clear now.

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edited Feb 1 “17 at 8:41
answered Feb 1 “17 at 7:45


Michael RybkinMichael Rybkin
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‘Out of curiosity’ simply means ‘because I/he/she was curious’. In this example, ‘out of’ is used to justify a decision.
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answered Feb 1 “17 at 7:33


Theo CTheo C
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