Bleach vs Naruto Tips Bleach vs Naruto Tips, Tricks & Cheats by JukiCombo of the PrettyAmateurStuff-Gaming Channel –
Bleach vs Naruto – Controls & Commands

Block: Press ’S’ to block attacks.
Đang xem: Bleach vs naruto 3
Attack: Press ‘J’, S+J and W+J.
Skill: Press “U’, S+U and W+U.
Grapple: Press “J’ or “U’ while right next to the opponent.
Jump: Press “K’ once to jump, press “K’ again while in the air to Double Jump.
Transformation: Press “J’ and “K’ at once when your SP Meter is full. Not all characters can transform.
SP Skill: Press “I’, S+I and W+I. Sometimes K+I.
Sprint: Press “L’. Consumes the Stamina Meter.
Quick Recovery: Press “L’ the instant your character hits the ground after being Knocked Down by your opponent.
Quiet Step: Press S+L or W+L. Consumes both Stamina Meter and SP Meter. Also serves as a Combo Cancel.
Summon Assistance: Press “O’. Consumes the Summoning Meter.
Combo Breaker: Press “O’ while your character is being hit by your opponent. Consumes both Stamina Meter and SP Meter.
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Mar 29th, 2018
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Bleach vs Naruto – All Meters Guide
HP Meter: Self explanatory.
SP Meter: Stands for “Special Meter”. It is consumed when then player performs:
– SP Skill: ‘I’, S+I, W+I, K+I
– Quiet Step: S+L or W+L
– Combo Breaker: “O’ while being hit by opponent.
Stamina Meter: Was introduced in the version 3.0 revamp of Bleach vs Naruto. It acts as a limiter of sorts, and is consumed when the player:
– Blocks Attacks: ’S’
– Sprints: “L’
– Quiet Steps: S+L or W+L
– Performs a Combo Breaker: “O’ while being hit by opponent.
Summoning Meter: Was also introduced in the version 3.0 revamp of Bleach vs Naruto. Press “O’ to summon assistance. This will consume the entirety of the Meter, which will replenish itself after a fixed time period.
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Bleach vs Naruto Tips – Quick RecoveryBLEACH VS NARUTO TIPS – QUICK RECOVERY
Quick Recovery: Can be performed by pressing ‘L’ the instant you hit the ground after being knocked down by your opponent. This let’s your character get back up to its feet immediately. However this won’t work 100% of the time.
Unless you have a plan, don’t perform Quick Recovery if your opponent would be right next to where you would land. There is a good chance they will strike you the instant you get up.
Some character’s Quick Recovery move is also an attack: Feel free to perform Quick Recovery all the time when using these characters and be ready to capitalize on your stunned opponent whenever the “Quick Recovery Attack” connects.
Quick Recovery immediately followed by Quiet Step (S+L or W+L) is a great way to catch your opponent by surprise especially when they are right next to where you are to land.
Quick Recovery immediately followed by
– Teleportation, or
– a Sprint then Teleportation
is also an excellent idea. And if your Teleport Attack gets blocked, just use Quiet Step (S+L or W+L) to either get away or get behind your opponent.

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In Bleach vs Naruto, some characters have moves that allow them to teleport: Teleport/Teleportation Moves. Here, I will outline the 5 best times to perform a Teleport Move.
Be sure to read up on Teleportation Gestures before continuing.
1. When at a Safe Distance from Opponent: Gives you plenty of room and lowers the chances of your opponent successfully interfering with the Teleportation.
Despite the higher risk, its recommended that you perform the Teleport Move as close to your opponent as possible since he/she would attempt to attack you, thus leaving them open and unguarded.
2. At the End of A Sprint: Simple perform a Sprint immediately followed by a Teleport Move. This tends to catch your opponent off guard especially after you both have been Sprinting back and forth at a high rate for sometime.
3. As a Counter to your Opponent’s Teleport Move: You can time your own Teleport Move to counter that of your opponent’s. But do note that some Teleport Moves are vastly inferior to others even with timing.
Take the direction you and your opponent are facing; it can be the difference between a successful counter and a fail.
4. Right if after your Opponent Uses the Substitution Jutsu Combo-Breaker: Substitution Jutsu is the type of Combo-Breaker exclusive to Naruto Shippuden characters in Bleach vs Naruto.
This is the rarest of all the times outlined in this list because it has to follow these set of events:
– You are performing a combo on your Naruto Shippuden opponent. – The opponent performs Substitution Jutsu at some point during your combo to escape.
– In that instant you have to determine whether or not a Teleport Move is the very next move (or the move after that) in that combo you are currently performing.
– If your next move is a Teleport Move, just complete the combo without missing a beat. – You immediately Teleport to your opponent’s location; thus preventing them from attacking your from behind.
5. When your Opponent is in the Air: Also one of your opponent’s most vulnerable moments. While in the air you opponent may or may not be able to counter you, may or may not be able to evade you, and can’t block you. Pretty good odds; and more times than not your Teleport move will connect.
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All Bleach vs Naruto characters have moments in common when they are most vulnerable and open to an attack or counterattack. Here are the most common ones:
1. In the Air: Here your opponents can’t block your attack. Though they might counter you, use Quiet Step, Combo-Breaker or Sprint away, they as still quiet vulnerable.
2. Right after being Knocked Down: Time your attack to strike your opponent the instant he gets back to his feet.
3. When Blocking: With the introduction of the Stamina/Guard Meter in Bleach vs Naruto 3.0, guarding has become all but obsolete.
– You can grapple your opponent, – Summon Assistance, or – Use and unblockable move (Specials Included).
The choice is yours.
4. At the end of a Sprint: – Become familiar with your opponent’s Sprint Speed and Distance. This will enable you the predict where your opponent would be at the end of their Sprint before they even get there. – Carefully time any attack of yours to strike your opponent the instant they reappear from their Sprint.
5. Immediately After a Failed Teleport Attack: – Use the knowledge of your opponent’s Teleport Gesture to predict when their Teleport should hit. – Evade the Teleport Attack. – Immediately attack with any move you deem fit before the opponent can recover.
6. When Performing a Time Consuming Move: You are to rush your opponent the movement you see him doing this.
7. When Cornered: When your opponent is cornered at the far end of the map he has nowhere to run. Have fun with him.
8. When the Stamina/Guard Meter is Completely Depleted:
– The Stamina/Guard bar gets depleted by Sprint, Quiet Step and Blocking; – the last attack that fully depletes the meter causes the opponent to get stunned. – Use this opportunity to to attack your opponent.
Conclusion: There should be more moments that this, but these are all I could think of. If there is anything you would like to add, I’d be happy to hear from you.
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The Bleach vs Naruto B.E.C. Rule is a guide to surviving any and all dangerous situations in the game. Whether it be when you opponent uses Substitution Jutsu to get behind you, an opponent that can Teleport, or an opponent that tries to snipe you with a Special Move; these rules will help guide you to making the right decision in a pinch.
The B.E.C Rule Stands for: Block, Evade & Counter. Let’s get started.
1. Block: This is the least effective of the 3 rules. Why so? Because:
– Guard/Stamina meter was added to Bleach vs Naruto 3.0; thereby limiting the number of consecutive hits a character can take before his Guard breaks.
– You opponent may decide to Grapple (Also introduced to version 3.0) you instead: Blocking is ineffective against a Grapple.
Despite these weakness, the Block can still be valuable if used wisely:
– Block and Counter: After blocking a hit or two, carefully time a move of your own to counter. These moves are usually S+J or S+U since they are safer because they are performed while you are holding down Block ’S’.
– Block and Special: After blocking a hit or two, carefully time a Special Move to counter. S+I is recommended since it is safer because it is performed while you are holding down Block ’S’.
– Block and Quiet Step: After blocking a hit or two, use Quiet Step S+L to get behind your opponent and then attack.
You should fall back to blocking if your other two options would be ineffective.
2. Evade: When it comes to evasion in Bleach vs Naruto you have 4 options: Run, Jump, Sprint and Quiet Step.
– Run: Just get out of there! Its not that complicated. Just consider which direction to run. – Jump: Not as effective as ‘Run’, but still an option. Probably your last.
– Sprint: Simply press “L’ and make yourself scarce. Again; consider direction. – Quiet Step: Press S+L or W+L to invoke the Bleach vs Naruto Deus Ex Machina at anytime so long as you have enough mana.
3. Counter: “Not all Bleach vs Naruto Combos are made equal” – JukiCombo. Wise words indeed.
Most moves in the game; especially flashy ones like Teleport Moves and others that take time to perform can (with great timing) be countered by another appropriate move.
Master your character’s moves and those of your opponent. Experiment endlessly and discover which or your moves can counter which of your opponent’s.
Here are some of your options for counters: – Specials: Responding with overwhelming force. – “J’ and “U’: Along with the directional keys. – Teleport Moves: If you have one. – Combo-Breaker (Substitution Jutsu): Press “O’ while being hit. – Summon Assistance: Press “O’ to call for interference of your opponent’s actions.
JukiProTip: Always at least one mana bar ready and waiting at all times for emergencies. It will save your HP in a pinch.
Conclusion: Whenever you find yourself in a dangerous situation while playing Bleach vs Naruto, your first response should be to Evade, followed by Counter, and finally Block.
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Bleach vs Naruto Tips: Combo-Breaker

To perform a Combo Breaker in Bleach vs Naruto, you press ‘O’ while your character is being hit. This move consumes some SP, plus all Stamina.
Two types of Combo-breakers exist in the game. They are:
– Substitution Jutsu: This is performed exclusively by Naruto Shippuden characters. It causes the character to disappear and then reappear some distance away.
– Reiatsu Explosion: This is performed exclusively by Bleach characters and Kenshin Himura. It causes the character to emit Reiatsu as an explosion which knocks the opponent away.
Combo-Breaker Tips:
The “Substitution Jutsu” Combo-Breaker is the better of the two because you have the chance to turn the tables on your opponent after you reappear behind them.
Remember that when a character uses Combo-Breaker, it consumes all its Stamina. This means that by attacking your opponent immediately after they perform this move, they will be stunned regardless of whether they blocked the blow or not.
Bleach vs Naruto Tips: Transformation

Bleach vs Naruto guide to transformation: How to transform, all character transformations, and a little transformation tip.
To transform, press ‘J’ and “K’ simultaneously when your SP meter is full.
That’s right, it consumes 3 bars of SP.
All Bleach vs Naruto 3.1 characters that can transform are as follows:
– Ichigo (Start of Series) > Hollow Ichigo (Shikai)
– Hollow Ichigo (Shikai) > Hollow Ichigo (Bankai)
– Ichigo (Shikai) > Ichigo (Bankai)
– Ichigo (Bankai) > Ichigo (Hollow Mask)
– Byakuya (Shikai) > Byakuya (Bankai)
– Toshiro (Shikai) > Toshiro (Bankai)
– Rukia (Gigai/School Uniform) > Rukia (Shikai)
– Ulquiorra (Base) > Ulquiorra (1st Release)
Naruto Shippuden:
– Naruto (Base) > Naruto (1 Tail Kyuubi Mode)
– Naruto (1 Tail Kyuubi Mode) > Naruto (4 Tail Kyuubi Mode)
– Naruto (Sage Mode) > Naruto (KCM)
– Sasuke (Hebi) > Sasuke (Curse Mark)
– Rock Lee (Base) > Rock Lee (Inner Gates)
– Kenshin (Base) > Kenshin (Blue).
I know its a nobrainer to transform from a safe distance away so you have enough time to either mount an attack, or just not get clobbered, but using what I like to call “Transformation Combos” serves that purpose while looking cool.
There are 3 effective Transformation Combos:
– One involves knocking down your opponent before transforming.
– Another involves knocking your opponent into the air, transforming, and then completing the combo with your new form (a cooler option, no?).
– The third involves performing a “J’ Grapple, transforming, then striking your still stunned opponent with your new form.
Here are my favorite examples:
– Any character: Any combo, then transform.
– Any character:
“J’ Grapple, transformed, then combo.
– Naruto (Sage Mode > KCM):
JJJU W+J, transform, S+U
– Naruto Kyuubi Mode (1 Tail > 4 Tails):
JJJJ W+U W+U, transform, S+U
Bleach vs Naruto Tips: Houdini Combos

Harry Houdini was legendary for being an escape artist; and that’s why I named these moves after him. Houdini combos are great for maintaining control of the battle by either not letting your opponent counterattack or by making their attempts unsuccessful.
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If Bleach vs Naruto had a martial art, it would be something like this. I developed this technique to compensate for situations where I don’t have enough SP, Stamina or both to use Quiet Step; enabling me to conserve both meters while remaining difficult to hit.
A little disclaimer, though:
– Some of these techniques I am about to explain won’t work 100% of the time, but will most of the time, and can save you in a pinch.
– There will be a little bit of overlap here and there, so bear with me.
Now let’s get started!
1. Escape type: The primary purpose of this type is for escaping any dangerous situation which include:
– when your opponent is blocking your attacks,
– when your opponent has dodged your attack, and
– when your opponent performs a Teleportation Attack or Substitution Jutsu.
Your options for escape include:
– Comboing into a Sprint,
– Comboing into a Jump, and
– Comboing into any other move that creates distance between you and your opponent.
Comboing Into a Sprint: Almost all characters in Bleach vs Naruto have a Combo or two where Sprint ‘L’ is one of the moves; remember “looping combos”? Some version 3.1 examples are:
– Deidara: JJL, JJJL or JJ W+J L.
– Rock Lee (Base): JJJL or JJJUL.
– Rock Lee (Inner Gate): UJL.
– Ichigo (Shikai): JJJL.
– Ichigo (Bankai): JJJL.
– Ichigo (Hollow Mask): JJJJJL.
– Hollow Ichigo (Shikai): JJJL.
– Hollow Ichigo (Bankai): JJJL.
– Naruto (Sage Mode): JJJJL.
– Naruto (Base): JJJJL or JJ W+J L.
– Naruto (1 Tail): JJJJL.
– Sasuke (Curse Mark): JJUL or S+J L.
– Aizen: JJJL.
– Toshiro (Bankai): JJJL.
– Byakuya (Shikai): JJJL.
Comboing Into a Jump: Almost all characters in Bleach vs Naruto have a Combo or two where Jump “K’ is one of the moves. I recommend you jump again, Sprint, or both once you’re in the air just to be safe. Some version 3.1 examples are:
– Deidara: JJJ S+J K or JJ W+J S+J K.
– Itachi: JJJJK.
– Neji: JJJK.
– Rock Lee (Base): JJJUK.
– Karin: JJ W+J K or JJJ W+J K.
– Rukia (Shikai): JJ S+J K or JJJ S+J K.
– Kenpachi: JJ W+J JK.
– Gin: JJJJK.
– Mayuri: JJ W+J K.
– Naruto (Sage Mode): JJJUK or JJJ W+J K.
– Ulquiorra (Base) JJ W+J K.
Comboing Into Any Other Move That Creates Distance Between You and Your Opponent: You are going to have to be creative here. Lucky almost all moves that fall under this category are ones that send your character:
– into the air, or
– past your opponent by lunging forward.
I recommend you jump, Sprint, or both immediately afterwards to be safe. Some version 3.1 examples are:
– Rock Lee (Base): JJJ W+U.
– Rock Lee (Inner Gates): JJJJ W+U.
– Naruto (Base): JJJJ W+U or JJ W+J W+U.
– Orochimaru: JJJJ W+U.
– Kenpachi: JJJ W+U, JJJU or JJ W+J U.
– Rukia (Gigai): JJ W+J.
– Rukia (Shikai): JJ S+J K or JJJ S+J K.
– Ulquiorra (resurrection): JJ W+J or JJJJ W+U.
– Ichigo (Bankai): JJJ W+U or JJ W+J.
– Ichigo (Hollow Mask): JJJJ W+J.
– Hollow Ichigo (Bankai): JJJJ W+U or JJ W+J W+U.
2. Follow-up Type: This type is where you simply combo your way through all dangerous situations. There’s the Brute Force method, and there’s Trick Shot method.
The “Brute Force” method is best used against an opponent that is blocking. It involves hitting your opponent with move after move until their guard breaks i.e. Stamina completely depletes. Worse case scenario: if at, or towards the end of your onslaught your opponent’s guard is still up,
– either use the extra SP you just gained to Quiet Step behind them, or
– just combo into the nearest Sprint “L’ or Jump “K’ and create some distance (Escape type).
I recommend you use the longest combo your character can offer, and also in your free time test to see of an additional move can be performed right after your combo has ended. Examples are (Version 3.1):
– Kakashi: JJ S+J U
– Itachi: JJJ S+U W+U W+U < JUU *after combo ends*>
The “Trick Shot” method is best used against an opponent that is about to counterattack in some way by:
– performing a Substitution Jutsu, or
– dodging your move or combo, or
– performing a Teleportation Attack.
It involves responding to these dangerous situations with, in most cases, the very next move in the combo you were just performing: striking your opponent before you get stuck yourself. This makes it very tricky and very risky. Situations where this technique can be employed are quite rare, and requires split second reaction to pull off smoothly.
You don’t plan for situations like these, but just knowing they exist has just granted you a minute edge. This tactic could save you when no other means of escape or counterattack is available; making it your very last line of defence.
There are 2 types of Houdini Combos: Escape Types and Follow-up Types.
Under the Escape type you either combo into a Jump, Sprint, or any other appropriate move that will create some distance between you and your opponent.
Under the Follow-up type you combo into a move that will solve your current dilemma. Either by breaking an opponent’s guard by constantly striking them (brute force), or by countering an opponent with the very next move in the combo you where just performing (trick shot).
Here’s are 2 assignments to help you:
1. For Escape types, test your character to see if it can combo into:
– a Sprint “L’,
– a Jump “K’,
– a move that sends your character airborne, or
– a move where you character lunges away.
2. For Brute Force types, test your character to see if additional moves can be performed after a combo ends. You can do this by testing each and every move immediately after a combo ends.
Bleach vs Naruto Tips – Most Vulnerable Moments

In this Bleach vs Naruto Tips and Tricks post, I’ll list situations where your opponent is most vulnerable and provide recommendations on how to go about exploiting them.
1. When in the air: Whilst and opponent is airborne, it can’t block attacks. It can still Sprint, Jump again, use Quiet Step, aerial SP Skill, or its regular attacks, but that does not help its vulnerability too much.
2. Right after missing you: If you manage to dodge an attack by your opponent, they’ll be wide open for a very short time. Your job is to get to them immediate and strike them before they can recover.
3. While blocking: Blocking is all but useless in Bleach vs Naruto. There are three main ways to exploit a blocking opponent:
– Continue hitting your opponent with your combo until it’s Stamina depletes completely and becomes stunned.
– Simply Grapple your opponent. An excellent idea since a grapple can’t be blocked. Just move right up to your opponent and press ‘J’ or “U’.
– Use Quiet Step to get behind your opponent and attack from there.
4. After using Combo-Breaker: Combo-Breakers are used to interrupt a combo being inflict by a for. In Bleach vs Naruto, the Bleach character knock the opponent away with a “Reiatsu Blast”, while the Naruto Shippuden characters perform a “Substitution Jutsu”. Great for defense, but is a costly move because it depletes Stamina completely when used; meaning that if hit immediately the character will be stunned regardless of whether they block the strike or not.
A Bleach opponent which uses “Reiatsu Blast” as its Combo-Breaker will knock you away. Exploit this scenario by performing a Quick Recovery (Press “L’ the instant your character hits the ground) immediately followed by a one hit move that will strike your opponent. You are guaranteed to stun then if you do this quick.
A Naruto Shippuden opponent which uses “Substitution Jutsu” as a Combo-Breaker will replace itself with a log as it disappear in puff of smoke and reappear either behind or in front of your character depending on which direction it was facing before disappearing. You should respond by promptly using Quiet Step (S+L) followed by an attack of your choosing:
– either by using a one hit move, or
– simply combo your opponent if close enough.
5. After a Sprint: You see, when a character Sprints from point A to point B, they are untouchable while in motion and are visible as a blur. However there is a tiny window between the moment they reach point B, and the moment they can take an action. That’s your opening! You have to strike your opponent the instant they reach point B.
Before you can setup this scenario, you have to be familiar with your opponent’s “Sprint Distance” because it’s different for each character.
Next is to create and maintain some distance from your opponent such that if they where to Sprint, they should arrive just within your reach. That way, the moment you see your opponent begin its Sprint, you have already predicted where they should end up and you’ll use that time to prepare your strike.
6. When trying to Snipe you: If your opponent attempts to snipe you with a projectile or energy beam whether it be a regular move or and SP skill, here are some actions you can take to turn things around:
– Teleport: Well… if your character can, and if you can do so fast enough. If you get blocked, simply use Quiet Step to either get closer to, or behind your opponent.
– Sprint or Quiet Step past the ranged attack: A recommended course of action for when your opponent is close. Against a projectile is not a problem, but against a beam, your best bet is to Quiet Step into the air followed by a midair Sprint to get closer to your opponent.
– Summon Help by pressing “O’ to call forth a character, then immediately pressing ’S’ to block the incoming attack. The Summoned character will then strike your opponent, thereby interrupting its attack. Recommended against SP Skills. I also recommend you summon characters that either teleport, lunge forward, or any other long ranged attacks. Minato, Nemu and Sai are my favorite for this purpose mostly because they don’t knockdown the opponent.
7. After getting knocked down: After you Knockdown your opponent, you should time an attack to strike your opponent the moment they get back up. Your options include:
– Simply performing a combo.
– Performing a multiple hit move that your opponent has to block. Your goal with this is either to break their guard by depleting their Stamina, or to force them into blocking so you can implement the “While Blocking” tip which we have already covered.
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– Performing a one hit move that when blocked by your opponent, depletes almost all its Stamina. Immediately follow with Quiet Step, and then use any move of your choosing to stun your opponent.
– Press “O’ to summon help: either to distract your opponent while you exploit an opening, or to flat out deal damage.