The firm built a model of the laboratory, so that the lab”s future users could do a walk-through and make suggestions.
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Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từọc các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
Upon entering the subterranean site, the fifteen audience members stepped into a constructed “world” comprising a walk–through pre-performance installation situated in a disused laundry room.
There is no chemical disinfectant that will reliably destroy all bacteria and spores when used as a walk–through bath.
Each section begins with a walk–through of the model to be employed in that section – metrical models, syllable structure, feature geometry, etc., with links to the classic references.
Secondary monitoring (using a walk–through monitor), which takes place after the worker has completed primary monitoring and removed his protective clothing, is compulsory when contamination is suspected or found.
A long walk–through tunnel runs through three large water tanks containing polar bears, sea otters, and sand tiger sharks.
Other features of the garden include disabled-friendly ramps, a mural walk–through, and areas dotted with fountains, vertical gardens, ponds and cascades.
It has pointed-arched openings to east and west sides, producing a walk–through passage at ground floor level.
Rooms with facilities for disabled persons are also available, and inter-connecting rooms (walk–through) are available upon request.
Xem thêm: Cách Chơi Zip Mùa 11 – Cách Lên Đồ Zip Mùa 15: Bảng Ngọc, Cách Chơi Zip
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‘Cooking up a storm’ and ‘faces like thunder’ (Idioms with weather words, Part 1)

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