Phân tích Conflict Là Gì

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Bạn đang xem: Conflict là gì




conflict /”kɔnflikt/ danh từ sự xung đột, sự tranh giành, sự va chạmto be in conflict with someone: xung đột với ai cuộc xung đột sự đối lập, sự mâu thuẫn nội động từ xung đột, va chạm đối lập, chống lại, mâu thuẫn, trái vớithe interests of capital conflict with those of labour: quyền lợi của tư bản mâu thuẫn với quyền lợi của công nhân
sự va chạmsự xung độtbus conflict: sự xung đột buscache conflict: sự xung đột cachexung độtbus conflict: sự xung đột buscache conflict: sự xung đột cacheconflict information: thông tin xung độtconflict point: điểm xung độtconflict resolution: sự giải quyết xung độtconflict resolution flag: cờ phân giải xung độtLĩnh vực: y họcsự mâu thuẫnbus conflictkhiển viên busconflict (vs)xung độtconflict pointđiểm giao nhauconflict pointđiểm va chạmconflict resolutioncách giải quyết va chạm



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Tra câu | Đọc báo tiếng Anh


Từ điển Collocation

conflict noun

1 fight/argument

ADJ. big, great, major | bitter, serious, violent | growing, increasing | constant, continued, continuing, unresolved He is in constant conflict with the authorities. | open, overt | global, internal, regional | armed, military | civil, class, cultural, ethnic, family, industrial, political, social, religious

VERB + CONFLICT bring sb/sth into, cause, come into, create, lead to, provoke His work brought him into conflict with more conventional scientists. The decision led to a bitter conflict between the management and unions. | avert, avoid, prevent They hid their feelings to avoid conflict. | handle | end, resolve, settle, solve The United Nations are hoping to resolve the conflict quickly.

CONFLICT + VERB arise (from sth), occur The conflict arose from different ambitions within the team.

PREP. during/in a/the ~ Thousands have been arrested in violent ethnic conflicts in the region. | in ~ They found themselves in conflict over the future of the firm. | in ~ with in conflict with management | ~ about/over a conflict over ownership of the land | ~ between conflicts between different ethnic groups | ~ with to end the conflict with France | ~ within serious conflicts within the ruling party

PHRASES an area/a source of conflict, in direct conflict with sb

2 difference between ideas/wishes, etc.

ADJ. fundamental, serious, sharp | direct | inherent the inherent conflict between the demands of farmers and wishes of environmentalists | inner | ideological

CONFLICT + NOUN situation | management, resolution the key to successful conflict management

PREP. in ~ with in direct conflict with his wishes | ~ between the conflict between science and religion | ~ of a serious conflict of opinion

PHRASES a conflict of interests/loyalties

Từ điển WordNet


opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings

he was immobilized by conflict and indecision

a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests

his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post

a conflict of loyalties

an incompatibility of dates or events

he noticed a conflict in the dates of the two meetings

opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot)

this form of conflict is essential to Mann”s writing


be in conflict

The two proposals conflict!

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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

conflicts|conflicted|conflictingsyn.: battle clash contest differ disagree fight oppose opposition struggle

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp