Tổng hợp Panic Là Gì

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Bạn đang xem: Panic là gì




panic /”pænik/ danh từ (thực vật học) cây tắc tính từ sự hoảng sợ, sự hoang mang sợ hãi tính từ hoảng sợ, hoang mang sợ hãi ngoại động từ làm hoảng sợ, làm hoang mang sợ hãi
Lĩnh vực: xây dựnghoang mangLĩnh vực: y họcsự hoảng sợpanic boltbulông éppanic boltbulông ép (khi mở cửa)panic buttonnút dừng khẩn cấppanic latchthen éppanic latchthen ép (khi mở cửa)khủng hoảng (kinh tế)Wall Street panicđại khủng hoảng thị trường tài chính New Yorkbanking paniccơn hoảng loạn ngân hàngbear paniccuộc chạy đua của người bánfinancial panickhủng hoảng tài chínhpanic buyingsự mua dự phòng (do thị trường có khủng hoảng)panic buyingsự mua vội vàngpanic of falling marketkhủng hoảng của thị trường giá xuốngpanic pricegiá cả khủng hoảng



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Từ điển Collocation

panic noun

ADJ. blind, mad, sheer, total | mild, minor | momentary | growing, mounting, rising | sudden | last-minute There was a last-minute panic when nobody could find the tickets. | moral a moral panic over rising crime rates

QUANT. surge, wave I felt a surge of panic when I realized my mistake.

VERB + PANIC feel He felt panic rising within him. | get into, go into She went into a mad panic when she couldn”t find the exit. | cause, create, spread | fill sb with, throw sb into The thought of having to be in charge threw him into a mild panic.

PANIC + VERB break out, spread (across/through, etc. sth), sweep over/through sth Panic swept through the crowd. | seize sb | grow, rise | subside | ensue In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.

PANIC + NOUN attack She still has panic attacks, two years after the accident. | button The shopkeeper pressed the panic button and the police arrived in minutes. | buying, selling Panic buying turned the petrol shortage into a crisis.

PREP. in (a) ~ He jumped out of the car in a panic. People fled in panic. | with ~ Her mind went blank with panic. | ~ about panic about food contamination | ~ among panic among the population | ~ over The keys were lost during the panic over the fire alarm.

PHRASES a feeling/sense of panic, in a state of panic, a look of panic A look of panic spread across the boy”s face. | a moment of panic, a moment”s panic

Từ điển WordNet



be overcome by a sudden fear

The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away

cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic

The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners

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panics|panicked|panickingsyn.: alarm awe dread fear fright phobia scare terror

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