Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ tienkiem.com.vn.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
Đang xem: Game plan là gì
come up with/develop/put together a game plan By going private, the company can develop a game plan that”s a little more long-term-focused.
Balme”s persistence with a strategic, high-possession, low-impact game plan earned both praise and ridicule.
Raper was also criticised for not having a structured game plan as well as other questionable player selections.
He was one of the first coaches to have a game plan specifically designed on how to attack opposing teams, although not all of them worked to plan.
Scott”s game plan called for a large body of men to start out southward from their base, man-hauling food and fuel on sledges.
Ryan utilizes color-coded playbooks and game plans when coaching on the sidelines to aid his comprehension.
Roma began to lose control after their period of control, with both sides abandoning their initial game plans for fearing of conceding a goal.
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to clean all of a place, especially your house, very well, including parts you do not often clean
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