This guide is about the HTML syntax for responsive images (and a little bit of CSS for good measure). We’ll go over srcset and , plus a whole bunch of things to consider to help you get the best performance and design control from your images.
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This guide is about the HTML syntax for responsive images (and a little bit of CSS for good measure). The responsive images syntax is about serving one image from multiple options based on rules and circumstances. There are two forms of responsive images, and they’re for two different things:
If your only goal is…
Increased Performance
Then what you need is…
There is a lot of performance gain to be had by using responsive images. Image weight has a huge impact on pages’ overall performance, and responsive images are one of the best things that you can do to cut image weight. Imagine the browser being able to choose between a 300×300 image or a 600×600. If the browser only needs the 300×300, that’s potentially a 4× bytes-over-the-wire savings! Savings generally go up as the display resolution and viewport size go down; on the smallest screens, a couple of case studies have shown byte savings of 70–90%.
Jump to Using srcset
If you also need…
Design Control
Then what you need is…
Another perfectly legit goal with responsive images is not just to serve different sizes of the same image, but to serve different images. For example, cropping an image differently depending on the size of the screen and differences in the layout. This is referred to as “art direction.”
The element is also used for fallback image types and any other sort of media query switching (e.g. different images for dark mode). You get greater control of what browsers display.
Jump to Using
There is a lot to talk about here, so let’s go through both syntaxes, all of the related attributes and values, and talk about a few related subjects along the way, like tooling and browsers.
Table of Contents
Using srcset
The syntax is for serving differently-sized versions of the same image. You could try to serve entirely different images using this syntax, but browsers assume that everything in a srcset is visually-identical and will choose whichever size they think is best, in impossible-for-you-to-predict ways. So I wouldn’t reccomend it.
Perhaps the easiest-possible responsive images syntax is adding a srcset attribute with x descriptors on the images to label them for use on displays with different pixel-densities.
Here, we’ve made the default (the src) the “low res” (1×) copy of the image. Defaulting to the smallest/fastest resources is usually the smart choice. We also provide a 2× version. If the browser knows it is on a higher pixel-density display (the 2x part), it will use that image instead.

You can do as many pixel-density variants as you like.
While this is cool and useful, x descriptors only account for a small percentage of responsive images usage. Why? They only let browsers adapt based on one thing: display pixel-density. A lot of times, though, our responsive images are on responsive layouts, and the image’s layout size is shrinking and stretching right along with the viewport. In those situations, the browser needs to make decisions based on two things: the pixel-density of the screen, and the layout size of the image. That’s where w descriptors and the sizes attribute come in, which we’ll look at in the next section.
Using srcset / w + sizes
This is the good stuff. This accounts for around 85% of responsive images usage on the web. We’re still serving the same image at multiple sizes, only we’re giving the browser more information so that it can adapt based on both pixel-density and layout size.
Creating accurate sizesCreating sizes attributes can get tricky. The sizes attribute describes the width that the image will display within the layout of your specific site, meaning it is closely tied to your CSS. The width that images render at is layout-dependent rather than just viewport dependent!
Let’s take a look at a fairly simple layout with three breakpoints. Here’s a video demonstrating this:
The breakpoints are expressed with media queries in CSS:
body { margin: 2rem; font: 500 125% system-ui, sans-serif;}.page-wrap { display: grid; gap: 1rem; grid-template-columns: 1fr 200px; grid-template-areas: “header header” “main aside” “footer footer”;}
media (max-width: 700px) { .page-wrap { grid-template-columns: 100%; grid-template-areas: “header” “main” “aside” “footer”; }}
media (max-width: 500px) { body { margin: 0; }}The image is sized differently at each breakpoint. Here’s a breakdown of all of the bits and pieces that affect the image’s layout width at the largest breakpoint (when the viewport is wider than 700px):

The image is as wide as 100vw minus all that explicitly sized margin, padding, column widths, and gap.At the largest size: there is 9rem of explicit spacing, so the image is calc(100vw – 9rem – 200px) wide. If that column used a fr unit instead of 200px, we’d kinda be screwed here.
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At the medium size: the sidebar is dropped below, so there is less spacing to consider. Still, we can do calc(100vw – 6rem) to account for the margins and padding.At the smallest size: the body margin is removed, so just calc(100vw – 2rem) will do the trick.
Phew! To be honest, I found that a little challenging to think out, and made a bunch of mistakes as I was creating this. In the end, I had this:
The Mac Preview app resizing an image, which is something that literally any image editing application (including Photoshop, Affinity Designer, Acorn, etc.) can also do. Plus, they often help by exporting the variations all at once.
But that’s work. It’s more likely that the creation of variations of these images is automated somehow (see the section below) or you use a service that allows you to create variations just by manipulating the URL to the image. That’s a super common feature of any image hosting/image CDN service. To name a few:
Not only do these services offer on-the-fly image resizing, they also often offer additional stuff, like cropping, filtering, adding text, and all kinds of useful features, not to mention serving assets efficiently from a CDN and automatically in next-gen formats. That makes them a really strong choice for just about any website, I’d say.
Here’s Glen Maddern in a really great screencast talking about how useful Image CDNs can be:
Design software is becoming more aware that we often need multiple copies of images. For example, the exporting interface from Figma is pretty nice, where any given selection can be exported. It allows multiple exports at once (in different sizes and formats) and remembers what you did the last time you exported.
Exporting in Figma
Automated responsive images
The syntax of responsive images is complex to the point that doing it by hand is often out of the question. I’d highly recommend automating and abstracting as much of this away as possible. Fortunately, a lot of tooling that helps you build websites knows this and includes some sort of support for it. I think that’s great because that’s what software should be doing for us, particularly when it is something that is entirely programmatic and can be done better by code than by humans. Here are some examples…
These are just a few examples! Literally anything you can do to make this process easier or automatic is worth doing. Here’s me inspecting an image in a WordPress blog post and seeing a beefy srcset with a healthy amount of pre-generated size options and a sizes attribute tailored to this theme.A landing page for gatsby-image explaining all of the additional image loading stuff it can do.
I’m sure there are many more CMSs and other software products that help automate away the complexities of creating the responsive images syntax. While I love that all this syntax exists, I find it all entirely too cumbersome to author by hand. Still, I think it’s worth knowing all this syntax so that we can build our own abstractions, or check in on the abstractions we’re using to make sure they are doing things correctly.
Related concepts
What about responsive images in CSS with background images?
We’ve covered exactly this before. The trick is to use
media (min-width: 468px), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .img { background-image: url(large.jpg); }}
With this CSS syntax, depending on the browser conditions, the browser will only download one of the two images, which achieves the same performance goal that the responsive images syntax in HTML does. If it helps, think of the above as the CSS equivalent of the syntax: the browser must follow your rules and display what matches.
If you’re looking to let the browser choose the best option, like srcset/sizes, but in CSS, the solution is ultimately going to be the image-set() function. There’s two problems with image-set(), today, though:
Support for it isn’t there yet. Safari’s implementation leads the pack, but image-set() has been prefixed in Chrome for eight years, and it’s not there at all in Firefox.
Best to just use media queries for now.
Do you need to polyfill?
I’m pretty meh on pollyfilling any of this right this moment. There is a great polyfill though, called Picturefill, which will buy you full IE 9-11 support if you need that. Remember, though, that none of this stuff breaks to the point of not displaying any image at all in non-supporting browsers, assuming you have an in there somewhere. If you make the (fairly safe) assumption that IE 11 is running on a low-pixel-density desktop display, you can make your image sources reflect that by default and build out from there.
Other important image considerations
Serving from CDNs: Speaking of image hosting services, speed comes in many forms. Fast servers that are geographically close to the user are an important speed factor as well.
Other good resources
(That I haven’t linked up in the post already!)
Browser Support
This is for srcset/sizes, but it’s the same for .
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This browser support data is from Caniuse, which has more detail. A number indicates that browser supports the feature at that version and up.